Friday, 27 January 2012

Don’t Bite the Hand that Fed you Daniel!

It must be hard being worth over £50m at the age of 21 and having to pay a hefty price for the privilege.

Being known as the star of the Harry Potter phenomenon is something Daniel Radcliffe wants to move away from as he exits the last decade of his life that he devoted to the films. Taking on new roles that couldn’t be farther from PG than if they were pornography, he constantly talks about being taken seriously as an actor.   
I feel for the guy, I really do. Avoiding the stigma of being a child star is hard enough when you made your break in one movie, but when you were the star role in an entire film series spanning your teenage years? That’s gotta be tough.
I respect the fact that Daniel wants to move on (who doesn’t?) and pursue a serious acting career, but what I’m not keen on is his attitude towards the films that made him richer than Prince William. So what if you’re always going to be known as Harry Potter – don’t bite the hand that fed you!
I mean, you don’t hear J.K. Rowling bang on about how she’s so unfortunate to be famous for just one of her creations do you?
What’s more, is I am struggling to see him as an adult. Last night I watched the repeat of The Jonathan Ross Show from Saturday (still as good as his former show, but rudely interrupted by adverts) and thought Daniel gave a brilliant performance.
He likened watching back the Harry Potter movies as seeing baby photos of himself and ‘not an enjoyable experience’ – fair point – but did admit crying when filming ended. Daniel managed to patiently answer Ross’s questions about Harry Potter but soon moved on to promoting his new film, The Woman in Black, saying ‘it’s nice to be able to talk about something else.’
One particular bit made me cringe though….
Ross asked him how long he’s been with his current girlfriend, and he gave the witty response that he’s not sure, but he knows when he would take it from. He didn’t have to say the word, but we all knew he meant sex!
Now, if getting his entire kit off on stage didn’t shout ‘hello, I’m here and I’m grown up’ didn’t do it, then talking openly about sex should! I just couldn’t see past the 11-year-old boy that stole the heart of the nation and Harry Potter fans around the world ten years ago.
I hope for his sake, that we soon start to let go!   

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