Tuesday, 6 September 2011

The Worst Job in the World?

We British do love a good old moan don’t we? If it’s not the weather we’re whinging about, it’s often our jobs. Fair enough, we do spent most of our lives working and it is the unfortunate case that some of the best paid jobs are the ones you can fall into without any qualifications – I should know after a three year journalism degree and a £15k debt – but is yours really the worst?

I for one love to complain about my job and the wage, but I would sacrifice a few thousand quid a year in return for doing a job I enjoy (don’t tell the boss!). What really grates on me though is those of us who moan about other peoples’ jobs, especially when you don’t have one yourself because you think you’re too good to serve burgers in a take away!

Just imagine the state we’d be in without bin men, cleaners, fast food outlets, call centre advisors – you get my drift. But, far worse than any of these occupations has got to be the role of Prime Minister. Don’t get me wrong, David Cameron is hardly on my Top Friends list on Facebook, but he’s not on my hit list either. Many of you will think me totally mad, but I just can’t help feeling sorry for the guy. I mean, his salary isn’t even half of the average bank manager!

No one is perfect, especially when you have to adhere to the entire population of England’s idea of perfect. One minute, Tony Blair was the best thing since sliced bread and the next, he was the reason our troops went to Iraq. Cast your mind back to last year when Cameron became Prime Minister. This was because so many people took any other option they could than Labour’s Gordon Brown, whom many of us blamed for the financial crisis in the country.

We wanted increased prison sentences, yet we slammed Cameron for putting two men away for four years for unsuccessfully planning a riot via social media websites. Did we forget what could have happened if they weren’t caught? People have died and businesses have been destroyed. Then what? We would have complained that life sentences weren’t long enough!

To top it off, we blame the Prime Minister and his government for the riots in the first place. Really? Are you all that naive? It was just one big excuse for a bunch of thugs to go on a rampage and assault people and steel things. I’m far than happy with tuition fees, the rise in fuel, the cut in benefits for people who desperately need them, but did I drive my Fiesta through the revolving doors of Debenhams to bag myself some bargains? No!

Give the guy a break!

We just love to hate the Prime Minister. It’s a job in itself! If only we were paid!

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