Tuesday, 13 March 2012

‘Reed’ All About It – Crap Advert from Recruitment Agency

As a recently retired job-seeker, I know how hard it is to find the perfect role, but harder still is getting through to recruitment agencies, especially Reed.co.uk. If you’re lucky enough to be contacted after submitting your CV, then it’s likely to be with a role that has nothing to do with your skill set.

So, you can understand how surprised I was to see a television advert for the agency. It is wrong in so many ways. Before you read on, watch it here.
1.       Do employers of lollipop ladies/men (or school crossing wardens as they’re referred to by fans of political correctness) actually pay to advertise on sites such as Reed? Whatever happened to the local newspaper? That aside, who on earth spends their teenage years aspiring to be a poorly paid part-time lollipop lady/man? Reed is hardly encouraging ambition!   
2.       There are no ‘matches’ for lollipop lady or man on the website.
3.       Is being a cheerleader an actual stand-alone paid job in the UK? I can understand how professional dancers may get one or two gigs as a cheerleader, but not a full time job that pays the bills surely?
4.       There are no ‘matches’ for cheerleader on the website.
5.       When I was growing up, I wanted to be a pop star or musician. Which kid didn’t? I feel that my chance of becoming a famous and successful drummer was ruined because I didn’t look on Reed. NOT! What, so now Reed is taking over Britain’s Got Talent in sourcing the next Tommy Lee? I can hardly see anyone calling them up asking to be a drummer and walking out with a gig at Wembley!
6.       There are no ‘matches’ for drummer on the website.
This advert is the creation of an ‘up-and-coming’ filmmaker as Reed puts it. Well sorry Jonathan, but I think you’re down and going!

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